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AOA Punch Pass

Punch Pass Offers Active Older Adults an Incentive to Keep Coming Back to the YYMCA. 

The Y is offering Active Older Adults (AOA) a new way to engage with their local branch thanks to the development of a punch pass.

The punch pass is a way to incentivize AOA to stay active and consistent at the Y. AOA members can pick up a pass at the branch front desk. Once the pass is picked up, they are encouraged to bring the pass with them each visit and have it punched at the front desk. After 10 visits in a month, the pass should be given to front desk representative so the member can be entered into a monthly drawing.

AOA Punch Pass


“The Punch Pass is a way to get and keep Active Older Adults engaged not only from a physical perspective but also socially and emotionally,” said Jennifer Rewkowski, the YYMCA of Metro  Vice President, Community Health and Wellness.

The concept of an AOA punch pass originated at Sanders Family Y as an incentive for its AOA members to stay active and consistent at the Y. Positive results from Sanders led to the Active Older Adults Y5 team to recommend it be adopted across the association. It was officially launched across the Y last week on Senior Citizens Day. 

Maheen Rae, Sanders Family Y Wellness Director, said the Y5 team learned through feedback that some AOA members feel the Y doesn’t actively engage with them after the busy summer season.  

“We decided to launch across the association on National Senior Citizens Day to celebrate Active Older Adults after the summer rush and ensure they are celebrated each time they come into our Ys,” said Maheen. 

The adoption of the punch pass is part of a broader goal by the Y to find ways to continually engage its members in a meaningful way to ensure everyone feels welcome.

Category: Membership